Perfect brightness is our brand First in job

About us

We offer new cleaning techonolgy in the service of washing large surface windows. MA- ki Taki Ltd. has already popular nation-wide due to his work. With our purified water technology which based on reverse osmosis principle, we can reach perfect cleanliness in a short time. Furthermore, it costs a quarter as alpine or platform window cleaning.

For us, quality means high level precise work. With 10 years experience, our company can satisfy customer needs through modern equipment, well-qualified specialists. We are able to carry out high-volume orders within a short time, until in 21 meter height.

We do not know the word impossible. Whatever the building, place we always try to find the most ideal solution of which the end result is always a spotlessly clean window.

Skilled team

There is a team, with more than 10 years work experience (3 years in England, 7 years in Hungary) and high-level rutine in industrial cleaning available for Your requests.

Serve special needs

For us, every problem is a challenging task. Whatever the special cleaning request, we will complete with our enthusiastic and creative team and high quality equipment.

Precise work and quality

An order is said to be finished when our customer checked and fully satisfied with our work. High quality and presice cleaning are the main principles of Ma-Ki Taki.

Best solution

The techonology of purified water and the use of telescpoe rod are better solution than the traditional alpine technology, crane or stand. These modern technology have better time consumption and financial conditions.